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A: Research grants: conducting methodology and/or biomedical research

09/01/19 – 08/31/24              (PI, Chen)

 “A Multivariate Mediation and Deep Learning Framework for Genome

Connectome -Substance Use Research”

NIH- 1DP1DA048968-01

Avenir Director’s Award, NIDA

Total  Costs: $ 2,280,000


10/15/19 – 10/14/24             (Biostatistics Core Director, 20%; PI - Schwarcz)

 “Kynurenic Acid and Cognitive Abnormalities in Schizophrenia”




09/01/17 – 08/31/22                (Subcontract PI; PI - Smith)

“Exercise for Brain Health with Increased Genetic Risk for Alzheimer's


NIH MH113617-01



01/02/17 – 12/31/19                (Subcontract PI; PI - Milton)

“Contagious Phenotypes of Acute Respiratory Infection: Identification,

characterization, and Omics Biomarkers”

DARPA-16-42-Prom-FP-015 DARPA



08/01/18 – 04/30/23                (Co-Inv; PI - Hong)

“Toward Multisystem-Brain Successful Aging in Schizophrenia


NIH/NIMH 1R01MH112887-01A1



02/01/17 – 11/30/21                (Co-Inv, PI - Hong)

“The Role of Stress-Immune-Connectome Disruption in Mechanisms of

Chinese Early”

NIH/NIMH 5R01MH11218-02



05/01/18 – 04/30/23                (Co-Inv,  PI - Waltz)

“Reward System Function as a Potential Mediator of the Impact of

Stress on Psychopathology”

NIH/NIMH 1R01MH115031



07/01/18 – 04/30/23                (Co-Inv,   PI - Gold)

“Cognitive Neuroscience of Attention and Working Memory in


NIH/NIMH 5R01MH065034



05/01/19 – 02/28/22                (Co-Inv,   PI - Wang)

“Assessing ASL CBF as A Biomarker for Early Alzheimer's Disease

Detection and Disease Progression”

NCCIH 1R01AG060054-01



10/01/19 – 09/30/24              (Co-Inv,  PI - Seminowicz)

“EEG and fMRI biomarkers for chronic pain”




B: Clinical trial based grants (Chen is leading the statistical and machine learning team):

Dr. Chen leads the statistical experiment design, power/sample size calculation, statistical analysis plan (SAP), trial randomization, analysis, and statistical report.


09/30/18 – 08/31/23                (Co-Inv,  PI - Hong and Du)

“Circuitry-Guided Smoking Cessation in Schizophrenia”




09/15/18 – 08/31/20                (Co-Inv,  PI - Buchanan)

“Prebiotic Treatment in People with Schizophrenia”

NCCIH 1R61 AT0999-01



07/01/15 – 06/30/19                (Co-Inv,  PI - Kelly)

“Biomarker and Safety Study of Clozapine Benign Ethnic Neutropenia”

NIH/NIMH 5R01 MH102215-03



08/01/17 – 05/31/22                (Co-Inv,  PI - Kelly)

“Confirmatory Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Efficacy Trial of a

Gluten-Free Diet in a Subgroup of Persons with Schizophrenia Who

Have High Levels of lgG Anti-Gliadin Antibodies”

NIH/NIMH 1R01MH113617-01



04/01/19 – 02/31/24                (Co-Inv,   Merenstein and Fraser)

“Exploratory Pilot Studies to Demonstrate Mechanisms of Preventing

Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea and the Role for Probiotics”

NIH R61/R33 AT009622-01



09/01/19 – 08/31/24                (Co-Inv,  PI - Seminowicz)

“Validation of a novel cortical biomarker signature for pain”

NIH 1R61NS113269-01   



C: Training grants (Chen serves as a mentor)


07/01/16 – 06/30/21                (Mentor, Committee member, 0%; PI - Rowland/Carpenter)

“Multidisciplinary schizophrenia research training”

NIH/NIMH T32MH067533



T: 410-402-7141   

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